Friday, July 20, 2012

Refocused & Redetermined

I am following Prayfit ( for my workout focus. I am seeing a natrual nutritionalists for my nutrition and supplement needs. I have been an athlete all my life and I have struggled with my weight all my life - not a good combination. Well in the last 2 years I have decided to pick up my running again - I use to be a soccer player so I am no stranger to running. I have run 6 5ks in the last two years and have really enjoyed them. Then I found prayfit - yes! an answer to my quest for strength training and balancing God/Family/Work/workout time. Then I got injured - Planterfacitious so bad they thought I torn the tendon - thankfully I did not. In the process I also aggrivated my knee ( both ACL's have been repaired). Well I took the time off, did nothing for over three months, used that time to focus on my diet. Praise God for the first time in my life I started to see results with just a change in my diet without the aid of exercise! So three days ago I realize my body is healed and I need to get back to working out - I have a 5k run in November and probably some inbetween to train for the race. I didn't want to overdo it again and get back to where I got hurt. I had already done the Prayfit 28 day challenge and had started the 33 day prayfit DVD, before I got injured. The plan: - until at least day 15 just do the Prayfit 33 day DVD challenge in the AM. -In addition walk in the evening with my boyfriend as it happens, but not force it. -Walk no more than 1.5 miles. -Continue with the Eating plan and see if the combo continues the weight loss efforts. So Day 3 is now in the books and though I'm sore it reminds me that it is working and that this is pleasing to God. HERE WE GO, AGAIN! P.S. I am also fighting PCOS (Poly-cycstic-Ovarian-Syndrom) and I struggle with the frustration that adds to my efforts. So the fact that this is God centered is a God send. Everytime I think about giving up I hear Jimmy's voice saying "I just imagine Jesus walking about those moutains to pray and if he can be out of breath and walk up a mountain than so can we" (Paraphrasing) . PCOS is just my moutain - and no matter how long it takes I am going to concure this!

May Mann Jennings - Florida Woman's Hall of Fame Inductee

Before woman had the right to vote - there was May Mann Jennings and her effort that resulted in what is now known as the Everglades Nationa...