Thursday, September 26, 2019

Stage 2 of 5, tough but doable

So I wasn't sure how much I was going or not going to share. But I know there are more out there like me so I am sharing.
Back in November my doctor told me that we had tried everything and that I needed to consider weight loss surgery.
Metally I wasn't ready to hear that. It took months for me to find the right head space to absorb this, then I had my husband do some research of his own to see of he would be on board.  We came to the conclusion that this was the right path forward and made the first doctors appointment in June.  So began Stage 1 - 3 months of nutritionist visits, check ins with the  doctor, and a psycological evaluation.  Then to wait for insurance to approve to obtain a surgery  date.
Knowing I would have to be on only liquids for two full weeks  before surgery I followed the recommendation of the nutritionist on started two meals a day replaced with the protein shakes and zero calorie drinks.   I lost weight, and started to wonder do I really need surgery? So I had a few days with lunch  and dinner .... I started  gaining again - for me that was the final confirmation I needed.
I got my date - October 8th I will have the Gastric Sleeve.
So this past Tuesday 9/24 I started the 2 week liquid stage 2.   It is not easy, but I couldn't imagine going from eating normal to 100 liquid, glad I tapered dow.
I do not avoid others eating,  I sit down to dinner with my family every night.  Os it easy,  no, but what and how I eat is drastically changing and is a life time change so better to adapt now.

I have been still doing some workouts, mostly walking, but I have been talking to trainer and nutritionist and do to the decrease in calories (by a significant amount) I have to be really careful.

I will post more as these next stages progress,  I have included pictures of what first 3 days of liquid looks like

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Round 1 measurements

First I LOVE Transform 20! I feel stronger, and I know from the moves I can do now that I couldn't do before that I am stronger.  I love it so much I am going for round 2 (which if you following me on facebook (RinesFit4Life) you already know.

If you have already looked at the image above you already know - I lost 2 inches over all, but gained 2 pounds.  That was hard to deal with at first, but it is not always about what the scale says - it just means that this round I need to dial the nutrition in even more. 

My husband is on board and is helping hold me accountable to the nutrition, I believe this will be a big help.  I also have an appointment with a doctor.  Depending on where that goes I will share.

Stay strong and push play!

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

No tomato sauce - Yum!

No links shared here are affiliate links - I get nothing for sharing them.

So I got asked to share a recipe we tried in our family recently and I thought others might like it as well.  My husband recently found out he has an issue with tomatoes - so for a bit we thought that cut out everything with pasts sauce, but we have found a recipe we love!

No for ease it calls for canned sliced carrots and beats, but this last time I made it with raw carrots and beets that I cut up and then put in the food processor.

It was a hit not only for my husband and I, but our picky 11 year old as well.

We used this on a spaghetti meal and then decided to try in in chili.  We used this in place of the tomatoes and the tomato paste.  The only thing different I would do with that is to make the tomato sauce more liquid rather then paste.  So the chili is more chili rather than sloppy joeish. 

Give it a try and let me know what you think and let me know what you've added to it or how you've used it.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Not as planned

I have been posting to my facebook page regularly, but not blogging.  I will be better about that.
I have recently started two new journeys-
 1. The 90 day contentment journel (#contentmentchallenge) by Rachel Cruze.  I use to write All The Time, but as I left college got out of the habit.  I am happy to have this promt guided journal to get going again.  14 days in and I hadn't missed a day, but sometimes thishs dont fo as planned - my son got another ear infection with a high fever. We were lucky if we got an hour sleep on Saturday and 4 or 5 on Sunday - thankfully going into Monday we got a full night. And I was able to journal again today.
 2. Transform 20 42 day work out with ShaunT that as part of the tracker also asks you to transform your mind as well as your body. It asks you to write about your struggles and how you conquered them. Today was day 16 of 42. Same reason as before I missed a workout, but just 1! Since I had my son this is the first time that missing a day hasn't caused a bigger slip.  And if nap time allows I am thinking about doing workout #2 to be back on the right day!!
Not as planned - journaling, working out - both going well. The number on the scale? Not so much I am bouncing around 305-312.
Since starting Transform 20:
I am up 1.25" and up 1.5lbs

Since my last post in Nov:
I am down 8" and up 0.4lbs.

Yes I am working with my doctor. Any encouragement or things that have worked for you I would appreciate.

May Mann Jennings - Florida Woman's Hall of Fame Inductee

Before woman had the right to vote - there was May Mann Jennings and her effort that resulted in what is now known as the Everglades Nationa...