Saturday, October 18, 2014

so it begins

Opening might of the haunted house - was awesome!!
Got home about midnight to turn around and get up at 5:30 to run 9 miles this morning.  3 min faster than the last time we ran 9 miles!!

Now I am showered, rested, and off to do some errands before heading back down to night two of haunted house!!!

Legs are a little sore, but I love it because I know worked it hard.

Off to take care of Saturday!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Crazyness of Life

So we had the boys all week.  It was crazy getting back into a school schedule again, been a few years, but also nice.  I managed to get more "stuff" done and some workouts in even with a crazier schedule. 


Now we are back to our normally scheduled schedules and it feels rather weird, and quite.

9 miles on the books for Sunday morning, and Haunted House opens on Friday!!!  So excited! Love this time of year. 

I will post a flier later, but if you want to check us out go here:

Miss Jocelyn - her stomach is really bothering her again please keep her in your prayers.  Her team of doctors is also meeting so if you can keep them in your prayers for them to come up with a plan of how to go forward to help Jocelyn. 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Another Step on the road to success

If you have been following my posts for while you know my desire to lift weights more consistently.  Well I have started something to help me with that and to make sure that I am able to do it correctly with little chance for injury.

  Through the wellness program at work I have found a coach.  He use to be a power lifter and written an ebook and really about helping others be successful with their physical and wellness efforts.   We have had our first session, and tomorrow will have a second reviewing a video I took of what and how I currently lift.  We are going to start with the foundation and proper basics (always the best place to start).

  I have to admit video tapping myself lifting was weird! I've never been much on being video tapped though, so that is nothing new.

I am very excited for this new step on the road to being successful.  This is always renewing my energy to refocus on my eating habits, which have slipped up a little over the last month.  Thankfully I am not as frustrated as I have been in the past with not getting results, and I haven't lost all my good habits I've been working on.   Each time I go through the frustration/restart cycle I seem not to slip back as far.  That in itself is a success.

Moving on and moving up!

Jocelyn update - her stomach is causing her a lot of pain again, please keep her in your prayers.  If you are interested in supporting Jocelyn and her fight please consider buying one of her hoodies.  The sale is open until october 10th.

PS 60 days to go until I run my 2nd Space Coast 1/2 marathon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May Mann Jennings - Florida Woman's Hall of Fame Inductee

Before woman had the right to vote - there was May Mann Jennings and her effort that resulted in what is now known as the Everglades Nationa...