Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Crazyness of Life

So we had the boys all week.  It was crazy getting back into a school schedule again, been a few years, but also nice.  I managed to get more "stuff" done and some workouts in even with a crazier schedule. 


Now we are back to our normally scheduled schedules and it feels rather weird, and quite.

9 miles on the books for Sunday morning, and Haunted House opens on Friday!!!  So excited! Love this time of year. 

I will post a flier later, but if you want to check us out go here: http://sebastianhauntedhouse.org/

Miss Jocelyn - her stomach is really bothering her again please keep her in your prayers.  Her team of doctors is also meeting so if you can keep them in your prayers for them to come up with a plan of how to go forward to help Jocelyn. 

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