Friday, June 30, 2023

Navigating AUDHD - new journey

 Wow, it has been a hot minute since I last posted!  To say life has been just a bit crazy is an under statement.  

My youngest along with ADHD impulsivity has just gotten diagnosed with ASD Level 2 .... simples terms the levels indicate what level of support is needed for the child, there are 3 levels.  I am not a doctor, psychologist, etc; just a mom new to this journey looking to and for support in this new level.  

If you are like us you are feeling lost! Because my son does not have any learning disabilities (he tests ahead), but he is behind socially there seems to be a lot less help.  When things get to be too much for him is outlit is physical.   So you can't just put him in a quite space and he will cool down - he quite literally has to bounce off he walls or hit things. Schools are not set up to handle this :( 

At this point we do not know what we will be doing for the school year that starts in a month and two weeks we are still exploring the different school options in our area that say they can handle this type of student.  Unfortunately that is a whole lot easier to say that to fully put into practice, because what calmed him down yesterday might not be what works today.   

What we have seen and have surmised right now is his ADHD and his Autism are in conflict with each other.    What would settle one condition down ramps the other up and vice versa.  So depending on which condition is "setting him off" is the tools you need to settle him down, but unfortunately there isn't a blinking sign above his head that says today is bought to you by my Autism please choose form A,B, or C things to help me.   And oh by the way if it is my ADHD and you pick A,B, or C expect it to get worse and take longer to pull me back.    

We know being in water, playing with water seems to help both - of course no traditional classroom/school happens in a pool!  

I know as he gets older this will even out because he will be able to tell us better what he is feeling, what is going on and if we try something he will be able to say it is making it worse not better.  Until that day we are living in grace and taking one day at a time. 

So as part of this process I have decided to also try some affiliate marketing to give input back on toys/tools we are trying. 

Today is sensory chews:

We love this random pack, because with the different options it meets different needs.  they cords have a break away so if it ever gets caught it just unclips and releases.  

This we like, because it fills the push/pull sensory need - lots of tug of war, but also are safe to bite. Becareful if you step on them though, because they do roll a bit underfoot. 

This is a fun pack that I as mom like.  I will wear either the bracelet or necklace when we go out and then if I am out of one of the others or forgotten it I have this as a go to pull or chew.  I got this on a whim and it has turned out to be a great tool in my bag. 

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