Monday, July 10, 2023

Help a teacher - here is how

 Are you past the stage of life of kids in school? Maybe you chose not to have kids or couldn't for whatever reason (if that was your desire I deeply feel for you and pray for you).

If you have teachers in your life, I am sure you are aware, this is the time of year where they are looking to their year ahead and start evaluating things needed for the classroom. Many teachers throughout the year supplement their classrooms with the needs for their students. 

As most know it has been tough for many people financially this past year.  If you are in a place and would like to bless a school or teacher in your area I would like to share a small list that are usually the most requested things.  If I have teachers that are reading this please leave a comment below if there is another big need that I missed. 

Tomorrow July 11th and Wednesday July 12th are amazon prime days, so there are a lot of deals going on. 

If you choose to buy something, but don't know how to then get it where it is needed, look around on your weekly drives and pick a school you pass and stop in their office.  Even over the summer they are still open, usually limited hours, but they would be happy to receive these gifts.  All schools every year are in need of these supplies.  If you don't want to just drop in at a school reach out on your social media accounts, you either have a teacher that follows you that would be amazingly grateful or you have some parents with kids still in school that would be happy to help out.  

The links below are affiliated links, so if you choose to use them I make a very small commission. 





Colored Pencils 

Printer paper

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