Saturday, May 31, 2008

Day 44 - workout

Well I was going to take the day off but:
I went shopping for about an hour.
Then I wanted to play the games on the Wii, so I did the Wii balance games for about 15 minutes.
Then I decided to use the Wii and went for a 20 minute run.

I am still with in my points with 13 points left and I have had 2 veggies already.

Ok got to go watch the shuttle launch.

Happy Saturday.

Day 44 - weigh in

Loast 1 1/2 pounds this week! Thats 7.5 total. I wasn't sure I was going to lose this week - so this was a really big success.

Friday, May 30, 2008

43 - Friday

I worked out for and hour and 20 minutes on my Wii Fit tonight. I can definetly feel it in my muscles. I may take tomorrow off to give my muscles a break - though I might go shopping so I can turn that into a longer "lazy" walk.

I stayed with in my points today. I got 2 veggies in. I really need to go to grocery store for some fruit.

Well Happy Friday, tomorrow is Saturday Weigh in Day.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

42 - Thursday

Wii fit again! 60 minutes. Yoga, Strength training, areobics and balancing games.
I like that each day it keeps track of my statistics and shows me on a graph. It shows my Wii character (Mii) according to my statistics, so right now it is on the obese side.

I stayed with in my points today. Got 2 veggis in and all my milk.

Tomorrow is FRIDAY!!!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Day 41 - Later night

Well I didn't get home until 7:30 tonight. But I got changed and worked out on my Wii Fit for an hour tonight. I did Yoga, Strengthing exercises, areobic workouts and then balancing games - which are my reward at the end of the workout.
I stayed with in my points today. I haven't gone and bought more fruit yet so I didn't get any in buy I did get 3 veggies in.
Well I guess that is all I know for now.
I hope everyone had a great Hump Day.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Day 41 - WII FIT!!!!

Wahooo!!!! I got my Wii Fit today. I love it! I just spent 45 min working out. There are Yoga poses, balancing games, and arobic activities (hulu hop, headers,... running). There are also strengthing exercises, but I haven't tried those yet. I love the running ones and the skiing ones. I'm still not feeling a hundred precent, but until the doctors say I can't work out or my body tells me to stop I will keep going. I know it is the only thing that is going to work - so I really hope I don't get to the point where the doctor or my body tells me to stop.
Thankfully our Customer who was going to come this week (a week early) could not get their travel plans approved so they will be here next week as originally planned. It is going to be a very long busy week, but because I have been consistently working out I do not think it will be an issue. I believe I have already made my working out a habit - so not to work out will be worse than staying up a little later to work out.

I stayed with in my points today. I got 3 veggies in.

Happy Tuesday to you all!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Day 40

Happy Memorial Day!

Well I didn't post yesterday, but I stayed within in my points and got in 2 veggies. I didn't officially work out, but spent about 4 hours helping my husband put up the stairs and part of the floor for our attic. A lot of lifting and holding and nailing. I could feel the work in my muscles when I came inside and desided not to push it with any more of a work out.

Today I stayed within my points. Got 5 veggies in. Then I did 30 minutes on my eliptical - program #1. I haven't used my eliptical in a while - it felt great.

Tomorrow is the day I have been waiting for for quite a while. Tomorrow my Wii Fit board comes!!! I will give you an update tomorrow and let you know what I think of it.

Have a great night!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Day 38

So yesterday was weigh in Day - I lost 1 1/2 pouns! That is a total of 6lbs. Slow and steady, though it is very difficult I can see that it is working. This week has been a big test for me - not feeling well and having the doctors telling me to take it easy. It was a big accomplishment to lose this week when my hole workout regiem got thrown out the window. It means the life changes I am trying to make are starting to become a habit and are not such a big struggle to chose the right foods. I'm getting close to not having to "think" about dieting. That is a huge step - according to a lot of the literature out there. If you always have to "think" about it and are on a diet, then one day you will want off your diet and will go back to the way things were before you were on a diet. The changes I am working on are not a diet - they are the things I want to be a way of life for the rest of my life.

I stayed with in my points. Got in 2 veggies. Did a 15 minute walk.

I will update later on how today goes.

Happy Sunday!

Friday, May 23, 2008

37 - Work out

Today my body was telling me I needed to do something. I'm still in some pain, but I was in a need of a workout. So I did a 30 minute walk with some arms but no weights. It felt good. I stayed with in my points today and even got 3 fruits in. Tomorrow is weigh in day - we shall see what happens. Hopefully watching what I ate this week - even though I couldn't work out - will pay off.

Happy Friday NIght to all.

Day 37 - New Newphew!

Drew Steven Uttech
8lbs 15oz 21''
born about 4:15am

Day 36

I'm taking it easy because that is what the DR said, but it is hard. I've gotten use to working out. So I took a nice easy 10 minute walk.
Stayed with in my points - still not hungry.
Only got in one veggie.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Day 35 - Crazy

So I got in 2 - 10 minute walks yesterday. I stayed with in my points. Still not feeling well so I saw a doctor. They said to lay off the activity until I am feeling better (I have some pain and the are being cautious). I can take small light walks - not alot but at least it is something and it keeps me on my schedule of working out.
I stayed way within my points. Only one veggie though.

On a really good note: they induced my sister and my little nephew will be here today or tomorrow! I can't wait.

I will update you on how today goes.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Day 34 - Just Barely

I wasn't very hungry again so I ate within my points again, a little under. I got a light 30 minute walk in place in. I am still running a mild fever so I am taking it easy - but not taking it off. I will let you know how today goes.
Happy Hump Day!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Day 33 - Day Off

I wasn't very hungry yesterday so I at just what I needed to. I stayed under my points due to this yesterday. I got in 2 cups of grapes, but no veggies yesterday. I layed on the couch until my husband got home so that Tank could run around. By 9:30 at the latest I was fast asleep and did not wake up until 7:30am. I am still running a fever and am a little tired, but other than that I don't have any other symptoms. I am going to try to go out and walk at lunch - I think I may be too tired tonight so at lunch will at least help me get something in.
Happy Tuesday.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Day 32

So I got in the 4 hours online drivers school course so that the ticket the high way patrolmen gave me for the accident I was in last month doesn't go on my record. I passed, big suprise! ;-)
I stayed right with in my points today.
Only got in 2 of the 5 fruits and veggies.
30 min light walk in place.
I have a bit of a light fever and felt pretty tired so I just wanted to get something in, but not push it too hard - I have to make it through the week.

I hope everyone has a Happy Monday!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Day 31 - Official Month

Well for the official day of a month it wasn't AWESOME, but it was ok. I stayed the same weight this week. Which actually for the week I had was an accomplishment. I know what I am working on is a life style change and so a week like this should not impede my weight loss, but in the past a week like this would have caused me to gain weight. So for this week it is an accomplishment that I maintained my weight.
Officially I have lost 4 1/2 pounds for this month. Its slow and steady weight loss - which is the right way - I just wished it was a little bit faster, but that is part of having PCOS. Knowing that the weight loss will be slow due to the PCOS is actually helpful - it keeps me from getting frustrated, which has stopped my efforts in the past.
Today I did a 15 minute light workout in the morning. Then after dinner Tank, my dog, and I went for a 30 minute walk.
I stayed with in my points today, I have 1 point left. I came up a little short on my fruits and veggies - but I got fruit and veggies in.
My husband and I are probably going to go to see the new Narnia movie tonight. I am not worried about the movie theater. It has never been a difficult place for me to go in terms of my over eating.
I am very proud of the 4 1/2 pounds I have lost this month, but I am a little disappointed that I did not pull of the 5 pounds for the month. This disappointment will not stop me though, it will just cause me to focus more this next month and see if I can make it to that 5 pounds lost during the next month.

Enjoy your Sunday.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Day 30 - Its Friday!

Friday and I picked up a new DVD. I can get board very easily, so the bigger my workout DVD collection gets the better chance I have of not giving up because I'm board. This was a good pick for my collection, "Drop it with Dance". It is 50 minutes of : Warm-up, Jazz Funck, Hip Hop, 90s (old school), Cool Down. And oh man this DVD is not for the faint of heart. You can do each dance section, Jazz Func, Hip Hop, or 90s (old school) by itself and it wouldn't be such a killer. I love DVDs that have options for the times of your workouts. This makes it easier to work out when you really are exhausted and it also makes it easier to mix and match if you are in a major workout mood.

I went just a little over points tonight - but I got all my fruits and veggies.

Cross your fingers for the weigh-in tomorrow.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Day 29 - Back to the Routine

Well tonight it was right back at it. No taking it easy. For the first day back I did a 50 min 3 mile walk with 3 lb weights (walk away the pounds).
I am sure I will feel this tomorrow, but tomorrow is FRIDAY!
I stayed within my points and got most of my fruit and veggies in.

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Day 28 - HOME!

Tonight I am back at home in my bed. Thank goodness for my Aunt and Uncle who were able to take myself, my dog and my cat on such short notice.
I got home around 9pm tonight. Got settled in and then got on to work to get caught up a little more so I'm not so behind tomorrow.
Tomorrow it will be right back on track with my workouts. I can't wait.
Yesterday my aunt and I took the dogs for about a 20 minute walk - but its not the same as my normal 30 -60 minute butt kicking workouts. Thought my muscles are not sore at all anymore - so I may be in some minor pain for a few days again instead of minor discomfort. But it is definitly well worth it. It will be interesting to see what happens this Saturday at the weigh in, seeing how the last 3 days went. I have been watching what I was eating, but I haven't been as good as I normally am about writting everything down.

I will let you all know how tomorrow goes.

oh yeah - our house is totally fine. I cannot even smell any smoke from inside the house - but when you walk outside it is like walking up to a bon-fire.

May Mann Jennings - Florida Woman's Hall of Fame Inductee

Before woman had the right to vote - there was May Mann Jennings and her effort that resulted in what is now known as the Everglades Nationa...