Sunday, May 25, 2008

Day 38

So yesterday was weigh in Day - I lost 1 1/2 pouns! That is a total of 6lbs. Slow and steady, though it is very difficult I can see that it is working. This week has been a big test for me - not feeling well and having the doctors telling me to take it easy. It was a big accomplishment to lose this week when my hole workout regiem got thrown out the window. It means the life changes I am trying to make are starting to become a habit and are not such a big struggle to chose the right foods. I'm getting close to not having to "think" about dieting. That is a huge step - according to a lot of the literature out there. If you always have to "think" about it and are on a diet, then one day you will want off your diet and will go back to the way things were before you were on a diet. The changes I am working on are not a diet - they are the things I want to be a way of life for the rest of my life.

I stayed with in my points. Got in 2 veggies. Did a 15 minute walk.

I will update later on how today goes.

Happy Sunday!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going." -by Jim Ryun
Great Job!!! Keep it up!

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