Saturday, May 24, 2014

Great Start to Memorial Day Weekend

We hit the bridge for a Virtual 10k to support our troops run.  It was hot, humid, and hilly.  Which was the goal.  What!? Yeah I know I prefer the coolness of 5am much better.  However in one month I will be in Monticello to run the Watermelon Festival 5k.  The race does not start until 8:15am! So it is hot, humid, and it is very hilly up there.  You even end at the top of a hill.  So I must prep - and today was a great way to start that.

Then after cooling down a bit I head to the farmers market.  Picked up so great veggies and some corn - can't wait for dinner! I also stopped by Sweets Revenge booth and picked up cupcakes that taste like Butterbeer from Harry Potter.  I've done all week that I was going to partake in this indulgence - and it was oooohhhh so worth it!! Now I'm back on track with veggies and no sugar :)

Can we top that? Oh yes we can!! My husband got his truck working!! We are back to being a two vehicle family!!!

Oh wait there is more! :) My van had the blower motor go out over four years ago, that equals no air.  Well when my husband and I started dating he was able to fix it so that it started blowing air again, however it was really really loud.  But hey I had air, which in Florida is way better than the no air I had been dealing with for about a year.  Well he surprised me today and fedex delivered a new blower motor - and he went right out and put it in.  He just had me come test it out.  You cannot hear the air at all!!!!  I'm over the mood excited!!  I know it seems like a very small thing, but it is wonderful surprise that he did for me.

Ok enough gloating on the husband.

Jocelyn is having a pretty good day, but as always please keep her in your prayers.

Happy Saturday may it be filled with many blessings.

The picture today is in honor of my nephews 6th birthday yesterday.  I love you DREW MAN!!!

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