Friday, January 15, 2016

35 days till next 1/2

AAAAHHHHH!!!!  How does the time always sneak up on me - I signed up with there was over 150 days left this should not be a surprise!

Well at least between the space coast 1/2 marathon and this one I did not stop training.  I focused more on the cross training with 21 day fix and p90x3 and distance walking on Saturdays.  However now it is crunch time.    So last night I got in a 3 mile trainer and Saturday I will go for distance.

I had reached out to the ladies of Mom's Run this town (#MRTT) about my speed.  The walking just wasn't seeing great improvements like I wanted.  They encouraged me to go back to my intervals.  I wasn't sure, but I did it last night just to see what kind of difference it would make.  Yeah ok it made a huge difference! My average pace per mile (which I need to be at 16) went down to 17:08 from 18:28 +.   My only issue?  That was only 3 miles and I was tired!! Can I do that for 10 more miles?

Well we are going to see what happens on Saturday for the longer distance.  I thank all the ladies in the #mrtt who are always there to support me, answer questions and even suggest meeting up to run together.  It is great to belong to another group of women who know how to lift each other up and not put them down to lift themselves up.

We are all at different speeds and places along our journeys.  We all have our stories and our dreams. Together we are helping each other over come and reach those dreams.


Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Day 45, Day 30 going strong

No worries, no excuses still going strong here!

For those that have been following me you know that I started counting my workout streak from the day of my 1/2 marathon - that means I am on day 45 of this streak.  So what is the day 30 all about?

I'm glad you asked! Yesterday was day 30 of p90x3 round 1.  I am 3 days in to week 5.  For the next three weeks it is mostly new workouts with a few goodies still there - like today's yoga! Love the yoga!!  My legs are still tight after yesterdays tricometrics and today's yoga helped stretch them back out.

I am seeing progress at this 30 day bench mark.  Not as quite as fast as others and I had to remind myself yesterday that I am not everyone else.  My journey is not theirs and we all have our struggles.  Clothes are fitting better.  The scale is down and inches are coming off.  I am starting to see tiny definition in my muscles - which is really cool!

My eating plan has been smack on and I love how that makes me feel.

Remember even if it is a baby step it is still a step! It counts.  Just like in my running how I've learned to be ok with my speed (ok I need to get 2 min faster, but that is because of a races time requirement not me) I need to be ok with my weight loss speed.  That is my focus for this week.

Day 1                                                 Day 30

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Some times you face disappointments

    Kinda dissapointed - was planning on getting in 9 miles this morning but was only able to do 6. I had to remind myself it is not race day and it would not do good to get hurt now, and yes I was at the point that if I pushed I believe it would have knocked me out of working out for at least the next week. 
    I have 39 days until the Disney Princess 1/2 marathon weekend. As I realized in the last mile that I wasn't going to be able push through for the 9 I made a plan that I will start working shorter walks back into my schedule. I have to keep up with my p90x3 for the weight loss though too - so it will be a boot camp of sorts for the next 39 days! 
   I am going to get the p90x3 yoga in later today and maybe even those last three miles. 

Here are two quotes I like to remind myself of:

"It is not how many times you get knocked down, but how many times you get back up." - Vince Lombardi

"Shoot for the mood. Even if you miss you will land among the stars." Brian Littrell

Happy Saturday! !

For those keeping track - this is day number 41 of the workout streak.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Why I love my Crockpot

    I get up around 5:30 in the morning. I workout and am out the door headed for work by around 7 am.  Usually I do not make it back home until around 5 pm.  Depending on the night I am usually back out the door by 6:30 pm.  This use to mean a lot of rushing around and figuring out what for dinner.  Some nights it is just my husband and I and some nights we also have my step sons.
    Well since I participated in a Crockpot clean eating 5 day challenge my life has changed!  I do not use my crock pot every night, but on those nights that I have to be back out the door by 6:30 I do for sure.  On other nights we decide the night before.
   I now get to come home with the smells a healthy meal wafting through the house.  Sit down and have a cup of tea.  Help the youngest with his homework if needed and just talk with my husband about our days.  I get to enjoy dinner instead of seeing how fast I can eat it before rushing out the door.
   Have you ever tried one of these Clean Eating Challenge groups?  Would you be interested in one?  If I get enough response back I will start one.  It is for 5 days, Monday through Friday.  I will include some ideas for Breakfast and Snacks as well.  So who is in?  Comment on my fitness facebook page here: RFit4Life

This is husband and 8 year old approved
Day 38 of working out and day 6/366 getting my shakeology in.  Feeling amazing!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Back to the real world

After an amazing 10 days off from work today I had to return.  I felt rested and renewed which was my number one goal of the break.  My other goal was not to lose my workout streak - which I am happy to report I did not.  I am still going strong with day 37 today.
  This is week 4 of P90x3 - it is considered a transition week - so today was dynamic stretching.  Great way to get back into the 5:30am start times.
  As most of you know I am tackling the Disney Princess 1/2 marathon again this year on February 21st.  Two years ago when I attempted it I ended up having a major asthma attach at mile 8.5.  I am determined to finish this year and have been training hard.  I'm not quite at the pace I need to be at yet, but my training is now set to kick into a higher gear aimed directly at that issue.  Today the released the change in costumes, I am thankfully not affected by this change - but just in case there are others of you out there that may not have seen it yet, here is the link new-rundisney-costume-and-safety-guidelines.
  I was right on with my meal plan today - my morning snack was a little later than I wanted due to a meeting, but I was still able to stay on track.  Right now that is my biggest focus - because as Autumn Calabrese says "you cannot out workout the kitchen".  I am loving the results I am seeing so far with P90x3 and can't wait to see what days 30, 60 and 90 will show.

If you are interested in what I am doing, they are having a sale right now on 21 day fix - the program that really got this journey focused in the right direction.  This is the first program I have followed where I saw consistent results week after week - and it is continuing with P90x3.
 Comment below if you want to ask me any questions. Or if you are interested in either of these products or others by beach body follow this link: Beachbody Coach.
Day 5/366 of having my healthiest meal of the day - Shakeology
And get ready coming January 11th Latte flavored is coming!


Monday, January 4, 2016

P90x3 Week 4 Day 1 and Vision

Today was day 1 of week 4!  Isometrics! Whew that was a tough one, but I think like he said I'm going to come to like it.

Day 22 of P90x3 and loving it.
Day 36 of workout streak.  I still find this number amazing.  I am use to taking days off here or there.  I am use to letting excuses, like a 5 hour car ride yesterday, stop me from going for it.  No more.  I am caring over my no excuses into the new year.  Change can be hard and we don't necessarily like it while we are in the midst of it, but when we come out the other side we are so much better for it.

Today is my last day of vacation before I head back to work.  As part of my coaching I was giving a homework assignment - make my vision board.  I have heard of these but I have never done one before.  The picture posted below is my vision board for 2016.  I highly encourage you all to make one as well.  What are your goals for this year.  When you reflect on 2016 what do you hope to say you accomplished?

Also please pray for my buddy - Jocelyn, her sugars are all over the place and they are dropping dangerously low and then spiking extremely high.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Tough Day

I wasn't feeling 100%this morning, but I pushed through and finished p90x3 warrior workout.
O took the challenge this year to have my.shakeology every day - today is day 2 and by the end of the year I will be a #366er (it's leap year this year).
Well apparently I was a little more under the weather than I understood  by 10 am I was back in bed and just woke up about an hour ago.
Not sure what is up, but I'm taking it easy.
Happy Saturday.

Friday, January 1, 2016

This is more than a "Little" thing


This is way more than a little thing - this has changed my way of life.  When I started back in March I was at my wits end.  This PCOS had me so frustrated I was ready to give up and just be however big I got.  Then my brother introduced me to Shelley.  Shelley, my coach, has PCOS also.  Her story amazed me.  Here is another woman suffering from the same thing as me and she was losing weight.  She didn't pretend it was easy, but she showed if you stick with it you can and will see results.  So I took the leap of faith and started 21 day fix.
   I loved the workouts.  Only 30 minutes but I could tell I was getting a great workout.  I was barely using 5 pound weights at the time.   The food plan that came with it - Amazing! I love these little containers.  Portion control in fun little containers.  Best of all I started seeing results right away.
   Over the summer I need a change of pace - enter CIZE into the picture.  Oh my did this bring back fun memories of my dancing years.  Shaun T really shows you how to hip hop dance and you get a good work out in the process.
  I did one more round of 21 day fix to get through Thanksgiving (I actually lost weight over Thanksgiving!!!).  Then I decided I needed to step my game up to the next level.  I asked a bunch of questions and then took a leap of faith and got the P90x3 program. To be honest I wasn't sure how my knees were going to hold up.  I have had both my ACLs repaired so I'm very protective of them now.   I didn't need to worry with the modifier I am good to go and have been having an amazing time with this.  I am now up to 10 pound weights for my workouts!!!  I am starting to see definition in my biceps and my calves - I don't ever remember having definition in my muscles!!   This is my third week with the program.  Stay tuned for the results from week three - but I am feeling fantastic, stronger than ever and I am starting to notices the changes in the way my clothes are fitting.
  So today was day 1 of 366 days in 2016.  Each day is a blank page and I am writing my story.  How are your pages going to be filled this year?

Like my superhero buddy, Jocelyn, show the world you are a fighter and never forget to smile!

May Mann Jennings - Florida Woman's Hall of Fame Inductee

Before woman had the right to vote - there was May Mann Jennings and her effort that resulted in what is now known as the Everglades Nationa...