Monday, January 4, 2016

P90x3 Week 4 Day 1 and Vision

Today was day 1 of week 4!  Isometrics! Whew that was a tough one, but I think like he said I'm going to come to like it.

Day 22 of P90x3 and loving it.
Day 36 of workout streak.  I still find this number amazing.  I am use to taking days off here or there.  I am use to letting excuses, like a 5 hour car ride yesterday, stop me from going for it.  No more.  I am caring over my no excuses into the new year.  Change can be hard and we don't necessarily like it while we are in the midst of it, but when we come out the other side we are so much better for it.

Today is my last day of vacation before I head back to work.  As part of my coaching I was giving a homework assignment - make my vision board.  I have heard of these but I have never done one before.  The picture posted below is my vision board for 2016.  I highly encourage you all to make one as well.  What are your goals for this year.  When you reflect on 2016 what do you hope to say you accomplished?

Also please pray for my buddy - Jocelyn, her sugars are all over the place and they are dropping dangerously low and then spiking extremely high.

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