Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Day 45, Day 30 going strong

No worries, no excuses still going strong here!

For those that have been following me you know that I started counting my workout streak from the day of my 1/2 marathon - that means I am on day 45 of this streak.  So what is the day 30 all about?

I'm glad you asked! Yesterday was day 30 of p90x3 round 1.  I am 3 days in to week 5.  For the next three weeks it is mostly new workouts with a few goodies still there - like today's yoga! Love the yoga!!  My legs are still tight after yesterdays tricometrics and today's yoga helped stretch them back out.

I am seeing progress at this 30 day bench mark.  Not as quite as fast as others and I had to remind myself yesterday that I am not everyone else.  My journey is not theirs and we all have our struggles.  Clothes are fitting better.  The scale is down and inches are coming off.  I am starting to see tiny definition in my muscles - which is really cool!

My eating plan has been smack on and I love how that makes me feel.

Remember even if it is a baby step it is still a step! It counts.  Just like in my running how I've learned to be ok with my speed (ok I need to get 2 min faster, but that is because of a races time requirement not me) I need to be ok with my weight loss speed.  That is my focus for this week.

Day 1                                                 Day 30

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