Friday, July 18, 2008

My Daily Inspiration

At weight watchers one of the things they talk about is having a physical object to remind you of your journey. This is to see how far you have come, because on the very long journey of losing weight it is easy to forget how far you have come and what an accomplishment that is when you still have a long way to go.
Each pound lost is a big accomplishment and should be celabrated as such. Easier said than done. So I have gotten to that point that I have found a physical object that can remind me every day just how far I have come. Below is a picture of it: it is a candle holder.
The candle hangs down in the middle - to remind me that there is a light at the end of this long dark tunnel - and that is a healthier better me for life.
Then on the bottom, for each pound I lose, is a blue, green, or clear stone. The colors do not mean anything, they match with my color in my bathroom and that is where I keep this so I see it every morning when I wake up and every night before I go to bed.
Around the outside of the candel holder I have placed my inspiration weight loss quote in stickers. The quote:
"It's not whether you get knocked down; it's whether you get up" - Vince Lombardi.

This quote fits perfectly with what I have finally figured out.
A few years back I had lost 50 pounds, but have since gained it back. I was on weight watchers at the time so the life style changes I am trying to make are not different. What is different is that at the time - due to my training for college soccer - I was running anywhere between 3 and 5 miles a day. And as one serious runner told me once - when you are running that much every day it doesn't really matter what you eat. At the time I was watching my point values, but not the what it was to get to those points.

This time - even though I have started running again - I started by focusing on how to eat the right things. Like more veggies and fruits. It is becoming more and more rare that I have a lunch or a dinner with out 2 veggies in it.

So this time around I have made - ok am a whole lot closer - to making healthy eating a habit that I don't even have to think about any more. And now that I have made that step I am adding running back into my routine. So even if I stop running again at some point it should not have the same out come as that time in the past.

I am chosing to share this, because it not only helps me to write this down to learn from my past, but it just may help one of you that is reading this - without having to make the same mistake.

Thanks for letting me share this with all of you.

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