Friday, February 28, 2014

Today is Rare Disease Day 2-28

Today is Rare Disease Day, promoting awareness of conditions that are rare and often underfunded. Many of you know that I belong to a group called I Run for Michael, which matches runners with buddies with special abilities. I run for Makwa.  He suffers with learning /behavior difficulty due to brain damage from his bio mother drinking while he was in utero he has been diagnosed with FASD . He also has another serious condition that can be FATAL called hypo hidrodic ectodermal dysplasia . He can not regulate body temperature and requires a cooling vest in hot weather.  This little guy is 4 years old and he gives me so much encouragement.  He helps give me another reason to push harder.  No petty excuses when I run for him.

Interested? Check out the video below and check out the website:  Whether you are a parent of, or a person, who needs to be matched or you are a runner/swimmer/zumba/whatever who wants some one to run 4 (no you do not have to run you can do any activity) please sign up.

As for me Day 4 of start the day with 25 is complete.   My arms and back are really starting to feel it.  I have also started another thing, I'm going to back to the beginning.  A little more than 3 years ago I started with a little program called 5K101 (  It is a free podcast running program to take you from where you are now to running for a full 30 min and completing a 5k.  Well I have since done that, a few times over, a 10k, and two halfs.  However my speed is not increasing. So I am going back to the beginning of this program, following it from week one, but this time focusing during the running drills to run faster and during the walking drills to walk faster.  If I can speed up both of the intervals I will bring down my overall time.  That is the goal for this year.  My next half is Nov 30th and I want to PR.  I also have a few 5ks coming up in March and April.  I can't wait to see what even just a few weeks of this new training focus will do for my times.

Happy Friday! May your day be filled with blessings, and may you be a blessing to others.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Great Weigh in!

To be totally honest I wasn't sure how this weeks weigh in was going to go.  I spent 5 days at Disney, where yes I watched what I ate and ran 8.5 miles, plus all the park walking.  However, my body rarely does what I expect it should do.

So today was a very HAPPY DANCE kind of day.  Down 2.2 lbs! I will take it and run some more.

Its been a slow start back to the week - getting out of vacation mode.  However since I got back I've started the "25 to start the day"  where I do 25 reps of : Crunches, inline push-ups, squats and tricep dips each morning as soon as I wake up.  Its something small, but I struggle with weight/resistance training and this is the first small step to making it a permanent part of my workout routines.

Happy Thursday, may it be a blessed day,
and always remember:

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Happy Half way there Day

Back to reality yesterday, from a 5 day FANTASTIC vacation with my family.  I have decided to start my mornings a little bit differently.   In my head I call it 25 to start.  So after my alarm goes off I do 25 crunches, 25 incline pushups, 25 squats, and 25 tricep dips.  This way everyday starts with exercise.  It gets the blood pumping and I've begun my day in the right, healthy state of mind.

Today was day two.  It was a little harder this morning as my muscles were sore from the day before, but I completed my 25 to start.

I have found, over my years of trying to manage my PCOS, that is the littlest things that make a big difference.  Three years ago I decided I was going to start running.  I used the Free program and followed its instructions of 3 days a week going out there and putting one foot in front of the other.  On Dec 1st I completed my 1st half marathon.  Had a set back in this past Sunday's 1/2 marathon, but made it 8.5 miles and am learning my lessons from it.  I am already signed up for my third 1/2 marathon coming this November!  3 years ago a 1/2 marathon was just a bucket wish list item I never, ever thought I would complete.

That helps with the confidence level and renews my hope that I will find the right combination to get the weight off.  It may be many years down the road still, but I know if I keep making the small changes they will add up to the BIG ultimate change of weight loss.

Have a blessed Wednesday

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Great Weekend, things to work on

I had a very, very rough race.  I knew it was going to be tough with all the people, what I hadn't counted on was the sever humidity that hung in the air till well after the race was over.  It was like trying to breath water.  So for the first time in over 5 years I had an asma attack that had me stopped in my tracks.  I kept putting one foot in front of the other until help came by, but there was no finishing this race.  I was very disappointed at first, but now it has upped my motivation to keep pushing and training and to get the weight off.  I need to keep pushing myself past my comfort limits to get past this time of hurdle.  So this next year ( I have my next 1/2 marathon scheduled for Nov 30th!)  I will focus on picking up my speed and pushing to make my lungs stronger.

I really enjoyed the time I was able to spend with my family.  Seeing my niece and nephew run the kids dashes and get their first medals was an amazing experience.  Seeing my friends push and reach the finish of the 10k was awesome!!!!  I am so proud of them.  I'm even more proud of my one friend that had to sit out due to an injury.  She really really wanted to do it, but knew to try was to risk further injury and the potential of being picked up and not being able to finish.

All in all the Disney half marathon was a good experience.  A lot of lessons learned and things to focus on.  And I got the experience of having my parents, my boyfriend, and my sister all there to cheer me on.  Living in different states makes that no an option that is available often and we took full advantage of it!

On top of that two very opportunities also took place - I got to meet two other women from my IRUN4 group, we have been talking for month and support each other in the group and for the first time we got to meet in person.
The second thing was my hair was getting too long again, so I went to the Barber on Main Street Magic Kingdom and had about 10" cut off.  That is being sent in as a donation to  I love being able to do this.  I feel better with the weight of the hair gone and I know some other little girl, or boy, will be happy to be able to have real healthy hair.

Here are a sample of pictures from the weekend:

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Great start to vacation

My day is half done and then I'm officially on vacation until Tuesday.  Even though I've been weighing in on Thursdays, I had to weigh in today because I can't tomorrow.

Happy day down 0.6.  I'll take it!! Ready to rich this hall marathon with my sister.

Happy Wednesday

Monday, February 17, 2014

Just another Monday

It's Monday again, happens same time every week.  Nothing special happening today.  Had a great valentine's day weekend with my boyfriend, his daughter and her boyfriend, and some friends.  Not because it was valentine's day, but because we made a lot of great memories that we will remember for years to come. :)

Sunday is the big day, 1/2 marathon #2!  So this week is tapering.  I was going to do the bridge, but have rethought that idea and instead will be just doing some nice walks this week.

I can't wait to see my family that is coming down.  It will be a great vacation making more memories with them.  With all of us living in different parts of the country we make the most of the time when we are able to be together.

Happy Monday!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

great race today

What a great race.  Brevard zoo meerkat mosey 3k.  I ran this race two years ago pushing my stepson in a stroller - finishing in 34 min.

Today I was running for my running buddy Makwa, but I was also running for Gwennie, a college friends daughter.  Why? Because today is international angelman syndrome day -

Running for these two I ran 29:34 today.  Almost a 5 min PR!!!!!

Thank you to my running buddies who pushed me on today.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Day!

It's Valentine's Day - that day where in case you've forgotten to tell your loved ones how much you love them the rest of the days of the year, every where you look you are reminded to tell them today.

I hope that you remember more than once a year to tell those you love that you love them.  Yes they may know that you do, but everyone likes to be told.  To hear those words - that they are loved.

May this be a day that those that need to hear it will.  To know that they are loved, they are thought of - more than on just a day when society reminds us, that they are prayed for.  May this be a day of healing for those that are suffering.


It is a busy day for me today.  I snuck in some tricep dips.  I will work in a few other body weight exercise today, but it will be a rest day from cardio.  Zoo race tomorrow 1.8 miles, I will post some pictures.

Tomorrow, February 15th, is International Angelman Day.  A girl I went to college with has a little girl - Gwennie - who has this and tomorrow's run will be run for her, along with my I Run 4 buddy Makwa.  

Thursday, February 13, 2014

a little sad

I did gain this week.  I wasn't sure how spin class would effect me, but this is not a surprise.  The other thing oi didn't think about today was my clothing choice - jeans.  However, I am OK with it.

If I keep up the good work next will show results.  Plus my clothes are fitting well today.

Happy Thursday!

Exercise is easy if you love what you do

Went back to Spin class this morning after a little more than a year off.  I need to taper my running so I don't injure myself before the big race, but I need to continue to exercise for my weight loss efforts.

Yes I gave up some sleep this morning, class started at 5:30 am! But the people were super nice and made sure I knew how to set up my bike.  The instructor was peppy and entertaining.  Before I knew it an hour had passed and it was time to get ready for work.

I'm a little sore and my back side is still asleep, but I think it was so worth it.  Not sure how doing that hard of a workout the morning of weigh in day will effect my weigh in, but if I gain a bit I will take it, because I know that this work out will pay off.

Finding it hard to get up and get that workout in, or hit the gym after work?  Change up your routine and find something fun.  I think I will be finding a way to work spin class back into my schedule.  I have also been known to through in a zumba class here or there.  LOVE That workout! Its like going to a dance club, but knowing you are leaving healthier than when you walked in the door.

Happy Thursday!!!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Words to spread

Today I am posting the link of another blog - its important that messages like this get out and continue to spread so girls young and old every where.  These are what we should be spreading to our girls and woman, not the magazines that are airbrushed to perfection.

**Ok stepping off my soap box now ***

On exercise news: Only ran two bridge miles yesterday.  Had started on the third (to put in the 4 miles) but has I got half way up the bridge, my body just did not feel right.  With a 3k race this weekend and the half a week from Sunday I'm extra tuned into my body.  I will still train, I won't listen to lazy excuses, but I won't push either.  Pushing is now saved for race day.

I did some extra body weight circuit training when I got home to up the exercise for the day.

Another plug, I am not paid by and do not get any compensation for this, but do you sometimes find it hard to work out? Then you see a post by a buddy that says they just did such and such work out, or a friend says hey come on lets go for a walk and you suddenly find the energy.  The competition factor is what I've always called it.  Well if you are like this, like I am, then there is a great place for you to track your work outs, make good friends, and have a plethora of awesome resources at your finger tips:  Its like playing a game and you get points for working out! I love this site.  If you decided to join, add me my user name is HopCoach.  If you aren't sure how message me your email and I will send you an invite.

Happy Hump (wednesday) to you all!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

11 more days

Just 11 more little days until my second 1/2 marathon!!!!!   

I've decided this time around, since its only been two months since I ran the last one, that I will focus on the hill work. As you can see from the previous post I'm running 2-4 miles over a cause way (read tall, long bridge over water).  

Most of my training runs are flat - the biggest "hill" is my driveway.  Well in 11 days part of the course is running over the free overpass.  Distance wise I know I can do the 13.1, just did that.  And over the course of the week last week I ran:
Monday = 4 miles bridge
Wednes. = 2 miles bridge
Friday   = 4 miles bridge
Saturday = 3.1 miles neighborhood

For a grand total of: 13.1 miles for the week.  

I've also decided that my hair is getting too long and heavy again - so after I run the race I will be chopping my hair and donating it, again.  Since I'm at Disney I've decided I will make an appointment with the barber's on main street and have it done there :) Pictures to follow. 

Happy Tuesday!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

I promised the bridge picture

And so this is the causeway that I run.  I will be hitting this again tomorrow after work.  Tonight I threw in some calf raises, pushups, and tri-dips.

Tonight was my boyfriend and my three year anniversary, so we ventured out to Texas roadhouse.  Yummy prime rib.  Not as good a dad's, but it comes the closest.

Good night!

A little, but it counts!

So even with the two bridge workouts (4 miles and two miles and Monday and then Wednesday) I managed to lose 0.4 pounds.  It's a lot less than last week, however to times past its a lot.  I have been known to put on a pound or two with a week of hard workouts like the bridge workouts I did this week.

I couldn't let the fear of weight gain stop me though - half marathon in 17 days!!!!  If you look back a couple posts you will see a map of the route, that shows that we will run on some of the pain roads between Disney's Epcot and Magic Kingdom!  That means over passes on the freeway.

I will work on posting a picture of the bridge work I've been doing - for those of you that know Florida I have been running the causeway! I am definitely feeling it! But I know every step is worth it.  For training and for weight loss.

Happy Thursday!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Busy Weekend

Oh man its Monday again, where did the weekend go??? We had a lot to do, so there wasn't a lot of relaxing time, but it was worth it.

I did get a training run in on Saturday morning.  5k in 50min.  It was hot and humid, what my sister is wishing for in 19 days! I'm hoping it will be cooler :)

Looking over the course map and reading others blogs about their run recaps I need to focus more on my bridge work.  I ran my last 1/2 on Dec 1, so I am not so worried about the distance, but I need more hill work so the free overpasses, entrances and exits don't kick my hinny.

If I get off on time tonight I can get a workout in, before dinner and the woman's club meeting.  Never a dull moment in my world!  I have to pencil in sit and relax time :)

Happy Monday!

May Mann Jennings - Florida Woman's Hall of Fame Inductee

Before woman had the right to vote - there was May Mann Jennings and her effort that resulted in what is now known as the Everglades Nationa...