Thursday, December 31, 2015

Don't let space stop you

I fully understand that space issues can make working our difficult.  Be Creative!  I grew up in the north where there were basements - that usually meant lots of space for workouts and play.  However down here in the south no such luck!    I do not have a corner where I can leave my workout equipment laid out and ready to go - each day I have to set it up and put it way.  I actually do not have one room to do my workout in - I must use my living room and my hallway.  Yes you read that right - my hallway.  
  It also means that I can have an audience - working out in the main hangout room of the house can mean ready made excuses of not wanting to interrupt people.   This is why I get up early and my workout is done and I am usually recovering before anyone else is up.

This is Day 32 of my workout streak, Day 18 of P90x3.  I am feeling great and seeing awesome changes in my body.  Next week we have transition week and then into the workouts for weeks 5-7.  I am going into 2016 stronger then ever.  This is my year - stay tuned for the streak and strength to continue.
I have attached a little video of part of today's workout - one set of chin-ups with resistance bands and military style push ups.  I was able to up my resistance band to the 15-20 pounds, up my reps to 15 from 12 and up my push ups from 7 to 8.  Love seeing the progress I've made in just 3 weeks.

Happy New year!!!
beach body coach
Tomorrow, is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one.
-Brad Paisley

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Still going strong #day31

This week is the last of the "known" workouts.  In P90x3 week 4 is a transition and then there are new workouts for week 5-7.  I am enjoying this third week.  I feel stronger, more flexible and I feel like my balance is improving.  Each day I see of feel something that is improving.  It is an amazing feeling.

I am enjoying my time away from work.  I really feel like I am renewing myself this break - and I really needed that.

If you have been following my progress and want to join in for the new year please comment below or on my facebook and lets talk.  Lets see if what I am doing could work for you as well.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Still No excuses

I missed posting yesterday - however I did not miss my workout.  The streak is still alive.  Day 29 was hit today!! I am loving keeping track of my days of working out in a row.  It really helps move through some of those excuses.

It was time for another picture in my progress line.  If I was just to look at the weight on the scale it would seem like it wasn't going so good - but look at those inches - 30.5 inches taken off in 9 months.  Yes it is frustrating that the scale is up, but I have learned for me that is just part of my PCOS.  If I stay focused and keep pushing my workouts the weight will follow, eventually.  Are you curious what I am doing?  Check it out here: Beach Body Coach

After my workout enjoying my morning tea.  With Raspberry Red Leaf tea - the kind that I use is: Raspberry Red Leaf.  I am not paid for promoting this.  However I ordered it in October and since I started taking it my periods have been less painful and about 1/2 a day to a day shorter. 

Have a GREAT Monday

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Amazing day!

#day 27
Got up and got P90x3 the warrior workout in.  Really really didn't want to get up this morning, but I pulled myself up and got it done. #noexcuses.

Then it was off to Disney for the mother-in-law's Christmas gift - a day at Disney without kids.  We met up with my parents and grandma to end the evening with Hollywood studios ozborne dancing lights - this is the last year they will be having them.  
Per my tracker which does not incur the morning p90x3 workout we got in 12.55 miles of walking today.  Good training  for my 1/2 marathon. 

You can tell by the smiles what an amazing day it was.  

Good night - ps yes that is a snow man made out of sand on one of the rides :-)

Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year

From my family to yours.

I hope this day has found you with friends and family and making many memories.  I got up and got P90x3 CVX in - man is that my least favorite out of the week 1-3 workouts.  Then I went for a 3.1 mile walk with my mother-in-law - it was a nice sticky hot walk, but it was nice to have a partner.

We now have the boys (the college step daughter and boyfriend even made an appearance) and are on our way to be with extended family.   Let the Memory making begin!

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Commit and follow through

Oh boy was this morning a difficult one for no excuses!!  We went and picked up the Mimaw last night and did not get home until after midnight.  Then we had to get every one settled down after the long car ride, before we could then crawl into bed.  I allowed myself on hit of the snooze and then it was up and going.

I did it!  Day 25 is in the books. Day 11 of P90x3 is in the books.  The Challenge.  30 minutes of pull ups/chin ups and push ups.  You pick your numbers at the beginning of the workout out and then you strive to hit them each round of the 30 min.  You also aim to do more than the week before.  I did both!!  1 more push up and 2 more pull up/chin up.  My house does not work to use a chin up bar so I used the resistance bands.  I used a 10-12 pound resistance band.    I am already feeling it, but it a good way.

I have now had my recovery drink and I am enjoying our lighted Christmas tree with the Netflix Fireplace and Christmas instrumental chorals playing in the back ground.  No one else is up yet.   It rocks even on break to get up early get these workouts done and then have the rest of the day to relax or run around with family without worrying how to fit the work out in.

Please stay safe and if you are traveling be patient and arrive safely.

I wish you all healthy, happiness and HOPE this holiday season.

If you are looking for something to push you until the end of the year the virtual race I host is still going until Dec 31.  I've attached the flier.

Merry Christmas Eve.

Christmas colored outfit to get this challenge going

Yes I'm hot and sweaty,  but I'm feeling good

Virtual Race Flier - any time, Any where, earn some bling.  Sign up by Dec 31

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

It's starting to look a lot like....

Well at least the inside of the house is looking like Christmas.  Growing up in Minnesota I am use to white Christmases, even after 7 years I'm still not use to it.  Add on this year we are looking at record Highs.

Oh well I am officially on vacation for the next 10 days!!!  I slept in an hour extra and then got up and remembered in was P90x3 yoga day!! Oh happy day!! My muscles were so glad for the stretching the yoga gives them.  I was even able to catch the amazing sunrise.

Merry Christmas eve eve.  Enjoy your time making memories


Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Taking time to remember

Channeled my buddy today - so I wore my I run 4 Jocelyn shirt to give me that extra push this morning.  What is the picture in the lower left you ask?  Well that is 1 of 2 lines of tape with X's on it.  This is used during the Agility workout for P90x3.  Never imagined just how good a workout one can get from two lines of tape and 6 x's!!!  It keeps you accurate throughout the whole work out.  

We are both off for the Christmas break!!! So we decided on an impromptu dinner date.  Love when these happen.  Just us before we fill our time with family and friends and the joy of kids at Christmas.  

Day 23 streak still going strong!!  Going right through the holidays with this streak.  There is no stopping me now!  

Why a random cardinal picture?  Well today is a very special day.  Today is my Gram's birthday.  She is no longer here with us, but every time one of these very special birds passes within my view I am reminded of this very special woman.  She loved these birds.  She was quite, but oh so smart - and when she had something to say you stopped and listened.   Everyone called her Gram.  All our family, but also all our Friends.  It also happens that she was called Alice as well.  She is who I am named after and I couldn't ask for a better person to try to live up to the name of.  May she be watching over us and be proud of the people we are today.  

Monday, December 21, 2015

I don't Want TO!!!

That is what my inner 2 year old was yelling at me this morning.  I really didn't want to work out.  Even though I had gotten enough sleep I was tired.  I have some soreness going on - but it is not bad soreness.   I don't know if that make since to any one else, but it is something I have always been clued into in myself.

It is Monday and I made a deal to #nevermissamonday and I also have the deal of #noexcuses.  I am happy to report that my deal is still on and my streak is still alive.  #day22!!!

P90x3 Day 8.  Back to synergistic.  The first 3 weeks you do the same workouts, then you progress on.  I actually found today to be harder than last week.  But that could be due to the fact that I upped the weights.

Yes my inner 2 year old threw a tantrum so I showed it who is boss!!  I only have two days of work this week and then I am off for 10 days so I knew I could push it and see what happens.  So .... for any weighted exercise this workout I used 10 lbs.  Last week was 5 pounds.  For the pull ups/chin ups I use the resistance band and I used the one that says it is 10 - 12 pounds.

It is now 6 hours later and I am feeling those extra pounds!!!  But I am ok with that. For week one I am down 1" total over all measurement areas, but I am up 3 pounds.  I know logically all the reasons for being up - and including that if you feel better and your clothes are feeling better than that is more important than what the scale says - but it is still very hard to see the scale go up when you are trying so hard to do things right.

I am making my goal this week to keep up with the workout streak and to focus on my eating plan.  Maybe I was off somewhere last week where I wasn't watching close enough.  This week shall tell.

It is Christmas week - don't let the holiday's make you stressed - find peace and love and let the rest go.

If you are looking to make changes in your workout and eating plans in the new year and want a coach to help encourage you and a challenge group to keep you accountable - please reach out to me.   You've seen me.  My progress, my ups, my downs.  You know I keep it real and I promise to keep it real with you too.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Whose watching you?

Happy Sunday!!! Up and getting in Dynamic stretching on this Day 7 of P90x3 and Day21 of my workout streak.  10 minutes left of the workout and my littlest monkey comes out to see whats going on. Then he asks if he can do it with me. Absolutely!!!  So for the last 9 minutes he finished p90x3 dynamic stretch with me.

Nothing like your little one watching and joining in to remind you why you are doing this and you never know who is paying attention.  As Tony Horton says "To your best and forget the rest".

Feeling pretty good now. Was stiff when I got up after all of yesterday's workouts and fun.  We carried on the family tradition on raced in the Jingle Bell 2 miler.

Rest and Restore today - tomorrow is Monday all over again!

Yes I know it is a star trek shirt, yes I know it is the dreaded red shirt - I don't own any star wars shirts.

One day cold enough in FL to wear a hoodie - well before the race started at least

Update on Jocelyn - she had a scare on the operating table, but she is ok.  She has a lot of restrictions but she was able to go home.  Please keep her and her family in your thoughts and prayers.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Make Saturday Count

Holy bananas!  Up at 5:30 to get P90x3 The Warrior workout in.  Then suited up for the Florida cold (it felt like 48 when I stepped out) and hit the road for 3.1 miles walking - training for 1/2 in February.  I was planning on trying for 6.2 miles - however my legs started cramping. I was pushing through it and then I remembered I have the Jingle Bell 2 miler tonight.  NO good to push now and not have a god race tonight.  So I Co ceded and stopped at 3.1 miles to warm up and get ready to take the little man for a birthday surprise.
#noexcuses get out there and make this Saturday count!

Friday, December 18, 2015

To Accomplish something you must first...

To Accomplish something you must first decide to try!!!

Day 5 p90x3 CVX - cardio with weight! Whew now that was a hard workout.  You could feel your muscles fatiguing while the cardio was making you feel tired!!!

Needless to say it took me longer to recover and get ready for work today!  I'm glad today is Friday!!!  I still have the weekend workouts ahead of me with my 1/2 marathon training on top of Saturday's workout, but #noexcuses!  I've got this!!

So who is ready for Christmas?  I still have some wrapping to do, other wise I am ready to go!!!

Remember you choose - decide to try!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Challenge yourself!

P90x3 Day 4 - The Challenge: 30 min of Pull ups/chin ups and push ups.  Pick your numbers of how many before had and hit that number for each round. Holy buckets!!  Challenge yourself and this workout kicks your butt.

Today I had to send my buddy some extra superhero vibes - she had surgery today. And yet she continues to smile and encourage me to keep push.  If you haven't checked out her page yet, please check it out and tell her I sent you. Hope-for-Jocelyn

Tomorrow is Friday!!  Tomorrow we will hit Day 5 of P90x3.  I am loving this program!!! I feel like I am getting an awesome workout in only 30 minutes and I feel like I'm getting results already.  Non-scale victories!!!

Shout out what State you are in - either here in the comments or in any of the pages that linked you here.   Have a great night and make it an amazing Friday.

Sending superhero vibes to my superhero

My superhero spreading smiles wherever she goes

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Keeping it real - and going uncomfortable

Alright I so did not want to get up today - too many late nights in a row that have kept my brain buzzing through the night.  However the streak is still alive - Day 17 in the books!!!  No excuses is the way I am living.

"If your sick of staring over, stop quitting!" - Autumn Calabrese

I have take this quote to heart and I am living it.  What progress will I make if I keep letting my frustrations get to me.

P90x3 Yoga was the name of the game this morning.  LOVED IT!! as you can tell from how relaxed I am in the second picture. :)

Another awesome thing happened this morning - I saw some definition in my arms - I mentioned it to my husband thinking maybe it was just wishful thinking - nope he saw it too!!! woot woot!!!

Ok so what did I mean by going uncomfortable  - no I was not talking about wearing clothes that are too tight!!!  I meant push your comfort zone to make you better at what ever you are try to succeed at.  Last night I was the "presenter" for our team call.  I took some training over the weekend and they asked me to give my summary and tips from it.  I was nervous - I tend to speak really, really fast when I'm nervous or excited and I was both nervous and excited.  But I did it.  Afterwards I felt great! Felt like what I shared was valuable and that I kept my speech speed at normal rate!!! LOL I know not necessarily something people generally worry about.

Remember No Excuses and make your goals and reach your goals!

If you haven't checked out who I run 4 please do
Have you checked out my fitness page: RFit4Life
If your on instagram you can find me @hopcoach

Before Yoga
After Yoga

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Be goofy

Don't be afraid to be goofy and have fun!!! As you can see from my picture below I was kissing my bottle of Beach Body Performance Recovery.  I so needed it today.  Even better - it is liquid chocolate that helps my fitness not hinders it.  Woot Woot!!!

Today was day 2 of P90x3 - Agility.  Brought many memories back for my days in Soccer.  Especially the hell weeks.  Thank my stars it was only 30 minutes - and tomorrow is Yoga!!! My heart was racing and I was sweating and it was a kick butt workout, but I'm glad I don't have to repeat it again multiple times a day or even again this week!!!

On top of that I woke up in a not very nice mood - didn't matter what I did I was just in a funk.  30 minutes with Tony Horton and he kicked that attitude problem right out the window.  The rest of my day was so much better because of it.

Remember there are so many side benefits to having a daily workout.  Yes the weight loss is nice.  The inches lost is a great thing.  The cardiovascular improvements are incredible - especially if the numbers your doctor is watching are changing for the better.  However, your mood is healthier, your relationships with others is better, and our outlook on life changes for the better. We often forget to count these things in why daily fitness is good for us.

Find something you love, or can at least stick with and start your streak - how long can you go?
Day 16 right here!!  Lets go who is with me - give me a shout at your streak! RFit4Life

Monday, December 14, 2015

Pushing it to the next level

Here we go!!! P90x3!!!

I love, love, love 21 day fix - but I know that if I am going to keep improving then I need to push myself.  Not that 21 day fix was easy by any means, but my body was getting use to it and I could feel my self start to go in to routine mode.  

After talking to some people who had done P90x3 I knew that it would be ok to move forward with this even with both my ACLs being repaired.  (I'm very careful about my knees, because I do not want to go through that again!).

So today started the p90x3 journey.  90 days of extreme 30 min workouts!  I made it through the first workout.  There are some things in there I cannot do, yet - but I can't wait for the day when I say look where I am now!!!

Never Miss a Monday!!!

Let me know who else is ending this year strong, and kicking butt right into the new year!

don't be afraid to be goofy

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Making Memories

My future step-son-in-law and husband's first NFL football game!!! Loved passing on the tradition of making memories.  It was so great to take the bus over and back.  Plus side the future step-son-in-laws team won.

No worries #noexcuses is still in affect - streak #day14 is still still alive. 21 day fix yoga.  Today was the last day of round 5 of 21 day fix.  I lost 3 pounds and 8.5 inches.  I am very very happy with these results.  

Tomorrow starts an exciting new chapter in my workout adventure P90x3!   I'm excited for this 90 day adventure, and a little worried how sore I will be and my knees will hold up.  I will let you all know.

Happy Sunday!

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Yes I am one of "Those" people


Yes it was 5:11 AM and I was trying to take a goofy pictures with my pre and post Beach body performance energize and recovery drink.  I was psyched and ready to go on my 6.2 mile training walk.

Am I a morning person specifically?  Well no actually I'm not, I love my sleep..  I know I can hear you know you were up at 5:11 on a Saturday and your not a Morning person??  Nope I just got great advice as a young person.

My gram always said "you choose your attitude every morning" and I'm not sure if she said it or I just added it "so make it a good one".  I have chosen to live my life that way.  Each morning I choose that it is going to be a good day and that whatever time it is I am ready to be up and start my day.   No I don't always want to.  There are some days that meant only 3 or 4 hours of sleep.  But I don't want to make anyone else's day miserable let alone mine and I've goals I am trying to accomplish!!!

So get up each day choosing your attitude - and make it a good one!

Friday, December 11, 2015

I know I said today would be Yoga - but ...

No worries - still following the no excuses.

I just switched it up and hit the 21 day fix Pilates today.  Oh man I forgot how tough this one is, but it felt great to stretch and lengthen everything out.  I am still sore and a bit bruised from yesterdays paintball excursion.

Today is my husband's Friday off so he was watching my workout this morning.  9 minutes in I was ready to call it quits, but with one simple comment he gave me the push I needed to keep going.  I made it all the way to the end!

My other pusher for the day is my pusher and superhero everyday.  I needed a little extra today so I wore her shirt.  My Jocelyn!!  I thank I run 4 every day ( everyday for matching me with my superhero buddy.  There is no excuse that can get around her example of smiling through each day no matter what that day brings here.

Check out my superhero on her page at: Hope-for-Jocelyn

Today's pictures: Myself with my Superhero's shirt on and My superhero herself

Thursday, December 10, 2015

I cannot forget the Men

The wonderful wonderful men in my life.  My dad, my husband and my brother!!!  Sometimes they are over shadowed by the loud cheerleaders in my women section.  However these guys are always in my corner.  Giving me quite, consistent support and encouragement.

Thank you for always being in my corner and having my back.  Thanks for each letting me know in your own ways that your always there when I need you.

Today was CRAZY!!! Morning was my 3.1 mile training walk (have to get ready for the Disney Princess 1/2 marathon).  Then this afternoon was Paintball for company celebration!   I haven't played in a few years, for got just how fun it is.   I've got some pretty good size welts, but they were worth it.   My legs are definitely feeling the workouts today!  

On the books for tomorrow - YOGA!!! Yup have to stretch everything out.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Wonderful Woman - My biggest Supporters

This Irish blessing and this picture of my 5 biggest female supporters are staring at me though each workout.  These wonderful ladies have been with me since pretty much day 1 (my day 1).

They have watched me succeed.  They have watched me fail.  They have cheered me on and helped me get back up again.  They have encouraged me and been my voice of hope when I could not find my own reasons and hopes.

Even more, they have shown me through their own journeys how to preserver  and how to over come.  In this picture you see happy smiling faces, because we know we are truly blessed.  But we are not without our struggles:
Two have lost their husbands to death.
Three have felt the loss of divorce.
One had a stroke.
One had heart valve replacement.
One had type 1 diabetes and alopecia.
One has PCOS.
One struggles with going into the work force or staying a stay at home mom.

Those are the struggles and they are real - but those are not what we focus on.  It is not those that make them strong - it is what they did with those things.   Each one has gotten back up, has taken that next breath that next step and said I am more!

To each of these wonderful amazing woman in my life I THANK YOU for all you knowing and unknowingly do for me and in support of me.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Find your extra Motivation

Today was hard, not going to lie.  It was hard before I ever made it to the workout.  Have you ever had one of those nights where you slept so hard that as you come to your telling your alarm "I'm getting up, i'm getting up" as your mind battles itself as to if it really is getting up or if it is going back to sleep?  No? Just me?  OH well that was me this morning.  

So I needed a little extra push - today that came in the form of the fun head band that says "I think I can".   And guess what?  I did.  I conquered 21 day fix Leg fix.  Yes Leg day is in the books!!!

That got me thinking though.  Weight goals are important.  Measurement goals are important. However they can sometimes take a while to get to, even if you set really small goals before you big goals.  You need to find some rewards for yourself along the way that are not food or weight related.  Maybe you've been wanting a manicure or pedicure - hit your workouts for 7 days straight and award yourself that.  Maybe you've been looking at that new outfit - sticking to your meal plan for 7 days and reward yourself.  It could be as simple as keeping a chart and being able to put a sticker on each day.    Do something that gives you that feel good feeling sticking to it and reaching that goal.  Yes it is not the big one and you still, like me have a ways to go, but you can not survive on will power alone.  Help give that will power a boost with a mini award.  

You've got this and you will make it #noexcuses!!!

Thank you beach body Performance for my Chocolate recovery reward! 

Monday, December 7, 2015

Superhero Strength

No worries I did not miss Sunday - Sunday started nice and calm and peaceful with 21 day fix Yoga.  

Then we had the great joy of being able go out to dinner with my parents and then see my mom sing in her Holiday performance with the choir she belongs to.  It was great to be able to go to this - I love that they live close enough to do this now.

That however equaled us not getting home until 11:30 last night.  But like I have said there are No Excuses for me and I am Never missing a Monday.  

It took some superhero strength today - hence the batman shirt for the work out this morning (21 day fix Dirty 30!)  However my true superhero is Jocelyn (#irun4jocelyn).  Each day she gets up and brightens the world with her smile no matter how her night went or how she is feeling.  The battle she has fought since she was 2 is amazing and I am so thankful I was pair with her as my buddy coach.

Do you what to know more about my amazing superhero?  Check her out here: Hope-for-Jocelyn

Are you interested in being paired with a buddy, or being a buddy? Check out Who I Run 4

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Smashing the Excuses

Yes I had a kids birthday party to take my step son to today and a go cart park.
Yes I had a Christmas Parade I was marching in tonight that is about 2 miles round trip.
Yes I had 6 miles planned for my training for my next half.

So what did I do?  I made sure to take my pre and post workout drink and I got to it.  6.2 miles where my average overall pace went from 18:22 during my 3.1 Thursday training miles to today at 18:12!!!  I need to be averaging 16 min/mile or faster by the end of February.  This is heading the right direction!!!

Then off to the go cart park we went for a friends son's birthday party.  We both had a great time!!  My legs were sore but we were home in time for me to take an hour down and get them up and stay off them.

Next it was down to the annual Christmas parade where we all as a family march in the marching band (see the picture below).

Now the youngest is out my feet are in an ice bath and then I am calling it a night so I can make sure to start my morning out with a nice Yoga 21 day fix style before church in the morning.

Sleep well.

Rines Fit4Life

Love my Beach Body performance Pre workout energize and post workout recovery.  I get amazing chocolate taste that feels like I'm cheating and it is actually helping me recover!

Friday, December 4, 2015

Keep your commitments

Even when your nights are later than expected keep your commitments.  If feel so much better, even if you are a little tired.  BUSY weekend, starting with my GFWC Sebastian Junior Woman's club!!! Love the holidays and all the friend and family time.  So many great memories are made this time of year for me.  However, I always have to check in and make sure I'm not over booking myself.  It is very easy to over do it and become overwhelmed.

#noexcuses 21 day fix Upper Fix was today's workout.  My arms are still jello-y!

Speaking of no excuses have you seen the virtual race I'm hosting with the awesome bling??

Make it a great FRIDAY!

May Mann Jennings - Florida Woman's Hall of Fame Inductee

Before woman had the right to vote - there was May Mann Jennings and her effort that resulted in what is now known as the Everglades Nationa...