Monday, December 28, 2015

Still No excuses

I missed posting yesterday - however I did not miss my workout.  The streak is still alive.  Day 29 was hit today!! I am loving keeping track of my days of working out in a row.  It really helps move through some of those excuses.

It was time for another picture in my progress line.  If I was just to look at the weight on the scale it would seem like it wasn't going so good - but look at those inches - 30.5 inches taken off in 9 months.  Yes it is frustrating that the scale is up, but I have learned for me that is just part of my PCOS.  If I stay focused and keep pushing my workouts the weight will follow, eventually.  Are you curious what I am doing?  Check it out here: Beach Body Coach

After my workout enjoying my morning tea.  With Raspberry Red Leaf tea - the kind that I use is: Raspberry Red Leaf.  I am not paid for promoting this.  However I ordered it in October and since I started taking it my periods have been less painful and about 1/2 a day to a day shorter. 

Have a GREAT Monday

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