Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Still struggling, but coming to accept reality

I have to always be on a low carb diet - that sucks! Oh well if I would like to lose weight then I need to eat low carb and keep my workouts going. I am now lifting 3 days a week and running 3 days a week. With my long run up to 7.5 miles for my half marathon training. I am so excited to be training for this bucket list item.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Bad blogger!

I've been a bad blogger, not so good at keeping this up. Isn't that how it goes though? You start something new, things are going great - easy to write about it. Been trecking along, not seeing results - not really what you want to share. However! Lets look at the positive: 1) I haven't given up 2)I have finally started taking something all natural meant just for PCOS (glucorein I've noticed a change in my energy levels and tomorrow will be only the first week. 3)This past Saturday I ran my 13th 5k!!!! 4)I have to sign up, but plan on running (jog/walk) a 10k with my best friend!! A step in the right direction to checking off my 13.1 mile bucket list item! 5) I've found two knew work outs that are short, simple, and have me actually doing toning/resistance exercises. I'm posting them below so that I can find them easier - feel free to try them, I am loving them.

I did it!!! I am Published

 I did it!!! I finally pushed myself and got something published - already thinking what to do next.  But first this one.  I put together a ...