Saturday, April 17, 2010

off and running

First week of going to the gym all day. Still feeling the cycling class, but in a good way. Getting ready for leaderhip team meeting, and either going to gym or the pool (outside), and then taking to the youth to a christian rock/hiphop concert tonight.
Happy Saturday.

Friday, April 16, 2010


Oh man! Feather and I took the cycling class last night at the gym. We had a great time, so we are going to make it our regular thursday after work routine. We are both feeling it today. Not hurting but a bit stiff!
It is so great having a friend that likes and wants to go to the gym everyday! She can even stand some heat, but there aren't many that get enjoyment out of cooking - right mom!
I feel so good - even as long as this week has been. I forgot just how much energy a really good workout can give you. Well we will hit the gym again today at lunch.
I hope everyone has a fantastic Friday!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Starting Again

Well good news is I haven't gone all the way back to my starting weight. Bad news is I'm gaining.
Good news, sort of - there is a medical reason. I have hypothyroidism. They are going to give me medicine and hopefully that regulation will help my hard work pay off.

Which is the other good news, I've started going to a gym again. I am on a guest pass this week, but just after today want to join. They are open until 10 M-th which is great times for me, well not as good as 24 - but I can't have everything!
I have a good friend at work who goes and works out at lunch 3 days a week and saturdays - and she wants me to go with her! And now the best news - it has a sauna and a hot tub!!!! I wasn't going to a gym before, because I really had all the equipment and motivation to workout at home why pay for a place with limited hours - but nobody had the hot stuff. That is my ultimate reward, after every workout!!! Always has been, get that from mom.

Well I look forward to going in the right direction, again. Like it says its a journey, its not going to happen over night.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hill workouts!

Well really causeway workouts. Where I live in FL there really aren't any big hills, but there are causewys - which are really big briges over the inlets. A couple frinds walk/jog them at lunch Tuesady- Thursday and asked me to join. -t is definately spicing yup my routin! It is 2.4 miles over and back. I get a great workout, spend time with friends and get some vitamin D. At least until the heat picks up again - then will have to see about doing in the AM.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

My post on Facebook - and the comments

just a little frustrated - I know I'm eating right, I'm running, I've lost about 1/2 inch off my waste - but I gained 0.6 this week. any words of encouragement?

Ask for encouragement and friends really know how to come through, even ones you didn't know were reading your status!

Diana Shores Yes, keep going!

Louanne Nering Neville Stay off the scale. Focus on how you are feeling and how clothes are fitting. Scales have a way of messing with our minds. Don't let it win. Sounds like you are doing all the right things. Keep it up!

Tara Schoepske It's muscle mass, Allie Allie!

Michelle Schmitt Tidwell Keep up the good work!!! U are gaining muscle which weighs more than fat but takes up less space than fat which is why u lost the 1/2 inch!!!

Michelle Schmitt Tidwell Forgot to say my dad always told me " go by the tail of the tape not the weight of a scale!!!". My dad body built when he was younger and some who works out may wear a size 4 in jeans and be 150 lbs and that is becuase of what I said earlier!!!

Amber Tejada Focus on how your clothes are falling off then how much weight you've lost! Whether or not you've lost 1/2 lb to 10 lbs it's still a big accomplishment!! (mix up your routine - your body adjusts quicker than you think) ;)

Chad Peterson Muscle weighs more than fat !

Melissa Jedlicka More muscle helps to burn more fat. Keep it up.

Sarah Dehne Muscles is more dense than fat. It completely pointless to JUST go by what the scale says. I always went by my measurement and the difference in how my clothes were fitting. Don't forget it's important to define muscle's too. Cardio trims the fat and lifting wights defines muscle and the more you use the muscles the more fat they will burn, even at a resting state. Good luck, hun!!!

I did it!!! I am Published

 I did it!!! I finally pushed myself and got something published - already thinking what to do next.  But first this one.  I put together a ...