Friday, January 9, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all -
So this year went well for me. For the WW official total I lost 16.1 pounds (losing 0.8 between Christmas and new years!!!).

Yesterday I met with the DR who started all of this in April and by his scale I lost 18lbs!!! Definitely in the right direction.

So I am not going to make a Resolution this year - resolutions seem to have the connotation these days of setting yourself up to fail. My GOAL this year is to keep going in the direction I have started, one slow and steady baby step at a time.

I have a few small goals to help me throughout the year:
+ My work buddies and I are continuing our weight loss challenge - starting new every 3months.
+ My family reunion is in May and I will have not seen most of them since last Christmas or later, but they have been following my progress here
+ In September my friend is getting married and I am in her wedding (that's always a good thing to keep you motivated)

I have a great weight watchers leader and she has started sharing little anecdotes and stories with us through e-mail - I would like to leave you with one:

Life's Lessons from a Butterfly.

Let go of the past.
Trust the future.
Embrace Change.
Come out of your cocoon,
Unfurl your wings.
Dare to get off the ground.
Ride the breezes.
Savor all the flowers.
Put on your brightest colors.
Let your beauty show.

To all of those of you somewhere on your weight loss journey - remember it is a journey and that means that the road will be long, windy and unfortunately have hills - but with each twist and up there is a down and a straight parkway path, and as always that light at the end is there - your final official goal.

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