Monday, June 16, 2008

Day 60 - Wahoo!

Ok - lets see I stayed within my points today, but I did have a very little piece of carrot cake. Shouldn't be a big deal because I stayed within my points but usually sweat things have 2 strikes against me. The biggest strike? It makes me want to eat more - I really have to feel like me will power is strong to even take the first bite. If my will power is strong I can limit myself to the small couple bite size piece. If not .... well thats why I am the size I am. Second strike is that it is one of the foods that just always puts weight on me. So it is a very rare treat. It tasted GREAT! Then the reason for the Wahoo! in the title: I tried out the new Leslie Sansone dvd. Walk slim a fast 4 mile walk. and HOLY COW! with that work out - a little more than 45 minutes - I might as well have stood under running water I was so sweaty. A great workout to feel in every muscle and really rev up the endorphins.
If any one is looking for good dvds no matter your workout experience I highly recommend the Lesile Sansone dvds: Walk Away the Pounds and Walk Slim.

Well have a great Tuesday!

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