Monday, March 10, 2014

I finally get to share!

If you look back to 2-14-2014, yes Valentine's day, you will see the title was Happy Day.  Well that had a very special meaning - that is the day I got married!!! My husband and I eloped, to a near by beach, with his daughter, her boyfriend and three other very close friends.

Why did we wait so long to tell everyone?  Well we wanted to tell our parents in person.  My parents and sister came down for their annual Disney trip.  We handed them envelopes with cards in them - that are often sent at Christmas time (ok well I didn't get my Christmas cards out this year so they were in there too!), but these ones said Just Married and had a collage of pictures.  My mom and my sisters reactions were priceless! We missed my mom on camera, but managed to film my sister.

Over the past year we had been telling both our families that we were just going to elope.  Neither of us wanted a big to-do with lots and lots of people.  This was about us, God, and our marriage - not our wedding day.  For us this is what felt right.  We had both done the big day thing before.

For those reading everyday, yes I did then get up the next morning and run a 3k with my step daughter at the zoo, where I set a PR by almost 5 minutes. :)

From the day we started dating my husband has supported my weight loss efforts and my running goals.  I know some are not as lucky to have that support and I do not take if for granted.  He loves to cook and he is always looking up new recipes that add lots of flavor with out the calories.  I went low carb and he went low carb with me.  I'm counting points and he is learning what that means.  He celebrates my victories and he helps evaluate when things don't go the right way.  He doesn't sugar coat it, but is supportive in the way I need.  

So Happy Monday! May your day be filled with blessings.  Here is a picture of our day.

1 comment:

Tanya said...

I was so happy to hear about the wedding. You have been so good to Ian and my nephews and niece <3

I did it!!! I am Published

 I did it!!! I finally pushed myself and got something published - already thinking what to do next.  But first this one.  I put together a ...